TechEd 2008 Summary

TechEd NZ 2008 is over! These are my thoughts and experiences of this year's TechEd.

Day 1


Yes there is a comet and yes it is heading for our town. (Scattered clapping) You uh, don't need to applaud that.The keynote started off with a surprise: Speakers from National and Labour were invited to present their broadband/IT policies. John Key presented for National and was evangelising there policy of fibre to the home across the nation. I was impressed by how down to earth his speaking styling was and he got great lulz with his pitch "A vote for National is a vote for high definition porn". David Cunliffe presented Labour's policy. He also spoke really well although after Key's laid back speech it felt much more political to me. Labour isn't investing as much in broadband as National and a lot of his time was spent spreading fear and uncertainty about how National will spend the money it has pledged.

Once the politicians had finished pontificating (which was too long), Amit Mital, general manager of the Live Mesh platform got up to talk. His content was more practical compared to last years keynote by Lou Carbone but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much. Weirdly after talking about Live Mesh and hyping it up we never saw a demo of it in action.

Hands On Labs

There's nothing worse than a yellow-bellied freak...unless that's his act.I contributed to the Hands On Labs launcher this year and I went and had a look at the lab room early on day 1. I didn't mention work on it before TechEd started incase everything went horribly wrong but from everything I have heard the labs were a great success. It is now safe to associate myself with it [;)]

The most interesting and visible change I made is lab manuals no longer need to be printed out but instead are displayed on a second screen. The usability is better than the tradition paper manuals (copy and paste from the manuals ftw!) and it doesn't require a couple of trees worth of paper to print everything out 100 times.

After looking at a couple of alternatives I chose to convert the manual documents to the XPS format and displaying them using the WPF DocumentViewer. This approach ended up being really simple and provides a great user experience. Since it is WPF I was able to style up the DocumentViewer with Intergen colours and logos. When I told Scott Hanselman about what I had done with the hands on lab launcher this year he was somewhat shocked and said it was the first time he had heard of anyone actually using XPS's.

Ask The Experts

Finally a chance to legitimately wear a hat with the word "Expert" on it! Since my session was on the Office stream I was an Office expert which I thought was pretty funny.

Day 2

OFC404 - Open XML Development Turning SharePoint Data into Microsoft Office Documents: A Deep Dive into SharePoint Document Assembly Using Open XML

"We hope to provide you with as much value as there are words in this session's title" - Reed Shaffner

My session, co-presented with Reed Shaffner, went really well. I was nervous beforehand but the demos went without a hitch and I think the content was the sort of information that people went to the session looking for. There were a lot of questions which I think we covered well.

At the end of the presentation we offered a copy of the demo source code to anyone that wanted it, both as downloads on the TechEd website and copying it directly to a USB key right there and then which worked out well.

Hanging Out In The Speakers Room

I got asked to present at TechEd quite late this year and I ended up with unfinished work that needed doing at TechEd. Most of Tuesday after my presentation was spent working away in the Speakers Room.

I didn't get to see any sessions on Tuesday but hanging out with the speakers and event organisers was a great experience in itself. Last year I was a delegate to TechEd so it has been really cool this year to be able to interact with a lot of the presenters I saw in 2007.

A highlight was spending the afternoon sitting next to Scott Hanselman and then later meeting up and walking down to TechFest with him. Hanselminutes is my favourite technology podcast and the knowledge and passion Scott shows in his podcast for techie stuff transfers to real life. I also really enjoyed his dry sense of humour. I have never seen JD more excited than when he told me that him and Scott exchanged quotes from Family Guy.


A lifetime of working with nuclear power has left me with a healthy green glow…and left me as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner.This year TechFest was held at Princess Wharf and spread across three bars. The music and ambiance was great.

Day 3

Packing Up

The flight back to Wellington was early this afternoon so I only had a half day at TechEd. Today I went and actually saw some sessions, checked out the market place and did various other TechEd-ish things before packing up and checking out.

Sidenote: I am pretty sure I bumped into Teller of Penn & Teller fame in the SkyCity Grand hotel lobby. I would have gone up to talk to him but hearing Teller speak, who is famous for not speaking, quite possibly would have caused my head to explode.


TechEd 2008 has been a blast. Bring on TechEd 2009!

TechEd 2008

Tomorrow I fly up to TechEd NZ 2008. Intergen is running the hands on labs again so expect to see groups of people in striking yellow camo pants.

Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel.

As always Intergenites are also presenting a number of sessions:

  • SOA205 - Extending the Application Platform with Cloud Services - Chris Auld
  • SOA209 - The Road to "Oslo" : The Microsoft Services and Modeling Platform - Chris Auld
  • OFC301 - Creating Content Centric Publishing Sites with MOSS 2007 - Mark Orange, Zac Smith
  • OFC305 - Best Practice ECM with SharePoint 2007 - Michael Noel, Mark Orange
  • OFC404 - Open XML Development Turning SharePoint Data into Microsoft Office Documents - James Newton-King, Reed Shaffner

Yup I am presenting at TechEd! I'm not sure which I am more of: excited or nervous. Good times.

Json.NET 3.0 Released

I warned ya - that colored chalk was forged by Lucifer himself! JSON's popularity continues to grow. In the few months since Json.NET 2.0 was released it has been downloaded over 5000 times and lots of new feedback has been posted in project's forum. This release of Json.NET adds heaps of new features, mostly from your suggestions, and fixes all known bugs!

Silverlight Support

Json.NET now supports running on the browser within Silverlight. The download includes Newtonsoft.Json.Silverlight.dll which can be referenced from Silverlight projects.

The Silverlight build the library shares the same source code as Json.NET and it is identical to use.

LINQ to JSON even easier to use

There have been lots of little changes to LINQ to JSON in this release but the main one in Json.NET 3.0 is that the two primary classes now implement common .NET collection interfaces.

JObject implements IDictionary<TKey, TValue> and JArray implements IList<T>. Working with these classes is now just like any other list or dictionary!

Serializer Improvements

Along with incorporating many small improvements, the big new addition to the Json.NET 3.0 serializer is JsonConverterAttribute.

JsonConverterAttribute can be placed on a class and defines which JsonConverter you always want to use to serialize this class with instead of using the default serializer logic.

JsonConverterAttribute can also be placed on a field or property to specify which converter you want to use to serialize that specific member.

public class Person
  // "John Smith"
  public string Name { get; set; }
  // "2000-12-15T22:11:03"
  public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
  // new Date(976918263055)
  public DateTime LastModified { get; set; }


Here is a complete list of what has changed.

  • New feature - Silverlight Json.NET build.
  • New feature - JObject now implements IDictionary, JArray now implements IList.
  • New feature - Added JsonConverterAttribute. Used to define a JsonConverter to serialize a class or member. Can be placed on classes or fields and properties.
  • New feature - Added DateTimeFormat to IsoDateTimeConverter to customize date format.
  • New feature - Added WriteValue(object) overload to JsonWriter.
  • New feature - Added JTokenEqualityComparer.
  • New feature - Added IJEnumerable. JEnumerable and JToken now both implement IJEnumerable.
  • New feature - Added AsJEnumerable extension method.
  • Change - JsonSerializer does a case insensitive compare when matching property names and constructor params.
  • Change - JObject properties must have a unique name.
  • Bug fix - Internal string buffer properly resizes when parsing long JSON documents.
  • Bug fix - JsonWriter no longer errors in certain conditions when writing a JsonReader's position.
  • Bug fix - JsonSerializer skips multi-token properties when putting together constructor values.
  • Bug fix - Change IConvertible conversions to use ToXXXX methods rather than casting.
  • Bug fix - GetFieldsAndProperties now properly returns a distinct list of member names for classes than have overriden abstract generic properties.


You can now support Json.NET by donating. Json.NET is a free open source project and is developed in personal time.

Marge: "What do you kids want to do with your hundred dollars?" Lisa: "I'm going to donate mine to PBS!" Bart: "There's a special, one hundred tacos for one hundred bucks!" Marge: "Tacos? Public broadcasting? I won't have you wasting your money."


Json.NET CodePlex Project

Json.NET 3.0 Download - Json.NET source code and binaries

kick it on

Intergen Wins 2008 Microsoft Partner Of The Year Award

Last night Intergen, my most excellent employer, won Microsoft Partner Of The Year Award for New Zealand.

Microsoft said we won the award because of our commitment to delivering solutions to our clients across the entire Microsoft Application Stack. Intergen was recognised as the only partner who can truly offer solutions that span the breadth from .NET development through MOSS, BI, CRM, NAV etc. Special mention was also made of the work we did in support of the Office Open XML standard.

Chris was on hand to accept the award. He was rather blasé about the whole thing...

Fame was like a drug, but what was even more like a drug were the drugs.