Json.NET 1.2 released

An update! A blog post! Hope everyone had a good Christmas [:)]

This long overdue release of Json.NET is mostly the result of feedback from users. Thanks for all the suggestions.

  • New feature - Added JsonIgnoreAttribute. This is the equivalent to XmlIgnoreAttribute for XML serialization.
  • New feature - Added generic DeserializeObject<T> methods to JavaScriptConvert.
  • New feature - Added AspNetAjaxDateTimeConverter. Converts DateTimes to and from the ASP.NET AJAX format, e.g. "@1229083932012@".
  • Change - Improved many of the library's exception messages to provide more detail.
  • Bug fix - Fixed issues around read-only and write-only properties when serializing.
  • Bug fix - Fixed typo in XmlNodeConverter.

What's New

A number of people have emailed that properties having a getter but not a setter, and vise-versa, could potentially cause an error when serializing or deserializing. This was something I had overlooked and is fixed in this release. Special thanks to those who took the time to email source of the fix they made to their own copy.

Also requested was an attribute to make the serializer ignore a member, similar to the XmlIgnoreAttribute for .NET XML serialization. These requests could be related to the previous bug but it is a quick and simple addition, and is a good feature to have. JsonIgnoreAttribute is included in this release.

Finally the new converter, AspNetAjaxDateTimeConverter, provides a means to output dates that conform to the JSON 'standard' as well as interoperability with Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX serializer. You can read more about the ASP.NET AJAX date format here.

Download Json.NET - Json.NET dll and C# source code.