
Archives / 2006 / July
  • Well I think it's funny - .NET Edition

    .NET Pickup Lines via K. Scott Allen

    If I were a generic collection, I'd be strongly typed for you.

    You must be the latest version, because I've been checking you out.

    I have a small problem. I put an object in a Dictionary, but I lost the key! Can you come back to my place and help me look for it?

    A TypeConverter just returned my heart, and it's ready to assign to you.

    Let's turn off option strict and do some late night binding.

    So, what's your hash code?

    And some of my own:

    The moment I saw you I knew my singleton days were over.

    There is nothing IDisposable about my love for you.

    I've been reflecting on your Attributes and I like what I see.

    Oh dear.

  • Well I think it's funny

    Made by the students of the Columbia Business School, this hilarious spoof "Every Change of Rate" features a man lamenting missing out on the Chairmanship of the Federal Reserve to the tune of "Every breath you take". Glenn Hubbard, Dean of the Columbia Business School, was rumored to be on the shortlist for the position which makes the whole thing even better. Here's a sample:

    "First you move your lips

    And hike a few more BiPS.

    When demand then dips And the yield curve flips,

    I'll be watching you."


  • WebDialog 1.1 released

    WebDialog 1.1 has been released.

    Much improved support for Atlas is the primary feature of this WebDialog release.

    What's New:

    • New Feature - Improved Atlas support in Internet Explorer and Opera.
    • Bug Fix - Fixed validators nested inside a dialog with client script enabled not displaying their error message when they failed.
  • Json.NET 1.1 released

    Thanks again to the people that have tried out Json.NET and have reported bugs or offered suggestions. This release addresses all the issues that you've reported and that I'm aware of. 1.1 also adds a few new features.

    • New feature - XmlNodeConverter class provides a means to easy convert between Xml and JSON text. SerializeXmlNode and DeserializeXmlNode helper methods have also been added.
    • New feature - Handles parsing JavaScript constructor calls (i.e. new Date(1234)).
    • New feature - Improved date serializing and deserializing.
    • Change - Rewritten JavaScript string escape method.
    • Bug fix - Lots of little fixes to JsonSerializer.

    Converting between XML and JSON

    The big new feature added in Json.NET 1.1 is a converter class for XML. By using XmlNodeConverter (or the newly added helper methods) it is now extremely simple to convert JSON to XML and vice versa in .NET.

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    doc.LoadXml(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" standalone=""no""?>
      <person id=""1"">
      <person id=""2"">
    string jsonText = JavaScriptConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc);
    //  "?xml": {
    //    "@version": "1.0",
    //    "@standalone": "no"
    //  },
    //  "root": {
    //    "person": [
    //      {
    //        "@id": "1",
    //        "name": "Alan",
    //        "url": ""
    //      },
    //      {
    //        "@id": "2",
    //        "name": "Louis",
    //        "url": ""
    //      }
    //    ]
    //  }
    XmlDocument newDoc = (XmlDocument)JavaScriptConvert.DeerializeXmlNode(jsonText);
    Assert.AreEqual(doc.InnerXml, newDoc.InnerXml);

    Elements, attributes, text, comments, character data, processing instructions, namespaces and the XML declaration are all preserved when converting between the two. The only caveat is that it is possible to lose the order of differently named nodes at the same level when they are grouped together into an array.

    A Brief Guide

    • Elements remain unchanged.
    • Attributes are prefixed with an @.
    • Single child text nodes are a value directly against an element, otherwise they are accessed via #text.
    • The XML declaration and processing instructions are prefixed with ?.
    • Charater data, comments, whitespace and significate whitespace nodes are accessed via #cdata-section, #comment, #whitespace and #significate-whitespace respectively.
    • Multiple nodes with the same name at the same level are grouped together into an array.
    • Empty elements are null.

    Json.NET 1.1 can be downloaded here.

  • Json.NET 1.0.1 released

    Changes in this version:

    • Bug Fix - JsonSerializer no longer errors when deserializing certain .NET objects.
    • Change - The JsonWriter QuoteChar property now defaults to double quotes and QuoteName is now true. This has been done to make the JSON output follow the specification.
    • New Feature - JsonSerializer will attempt to use a classes TypeConverter to convert the JSON value to a members if the two do not match.

    The new 1.0.1 version can been found on the download page.

    Thank you to the people who have tried out Json.NET and given feedback.

  • Newton King - No Relation

    When growing up from time to time when I gave my name to someone I was often asked if I had any any relation to the Newton King of Taranaki. Apart from knowing that someone of importance must have lived there, I never had any idea what they were talking about. After yet again being asked about the subject yesterday I bit the bullet and googled the name.

    It turns out a man called Newton King (first name Newton, last name King) was born around 150 years ago and was quite a successful in business, running a company of the same name. Apparently prior to World War I, Newton King (the business) was the largest privately owned company in the Southern Hemisphere. Quite remarkable considering the small size of New Zealand.

    This picture made me laugh:

    And although the Newton King company went out of business during the 1987 stockmarket crash, there is still the Newton King Tanker Terminal at Port Taranaki today:

    Thanks to the Puke Ariki museum for their great article on him.It feels good to put one of lifes puzzles to bed, kind of like learning why the sky is blue or why you should avoid virtual methods calls from a constructor. Now the next time someone inquires about my last name I can talk about the subject without looking like a total burk :)