
Archives / 2009 / June
  • Sunday Podcasts 2

    Remember, you can always find East by staring directly at the sun. This American Life - Classifieds

    This American Life is a fantastic weekly podcast about everyday aspects of life. Each week’s show has a theme and then a number of stories around that theme.

    This episode is based on stories gathered from classified ads, all found from a single single newspaper on a single day. A man who posted an ad about a missing dog, a personnel ad to win back a lost love, and my favourite: assembling a disparate group of musicians from classified ads to form a band for one day only and record a song – Rocket Man.

    Jon Langford and the One Day Band - Rocket Man.mp3:

    HanselminutesVisiting Fog Creek Software and Joel Spolsky

    Scott Hanselman interviews Joel Spolsky about technology, business, blogging and shark jumping. I can’t say I agree with many of Spolsky’s opinions on programming (eww) but he has a good head for business and marketing.

    I hope this has taught you kids a lesson: kids never learn. While Fog Creek is most known for a project management tool called Fogbuz they also have created a remote desktop service called Copilot. A DVD I brought not long after I started my first software development job is a documentary about Copilot called Aardvark'd: Twelve Weeks with Geeks. Aardvark is a fun little movie about the software and the small group of interns who made it. Recommended.

  • ThreadSafeStore

    Developers and multithreading fall into 3 camps:

    • Doesn’t know anything. This developer avoids thinking about other threads at all costs. Followers of the HttpContext. 90% of developers.
    • Knows everything. This developer is either a savant or writes operating systems for fun. Most likely sports a sweet hippy beard. 3.14159% of developers.
    • Doesn’t know everything but knows enough. This developer will happily write multithreaded applications. It turns out however he/she doesn’t know enough and said applications are full of hard to find, intermittent bugs just waiting to corrupt data and deadlock. The rest us.

    I fall into the third category: knows enough to be dangerous.

    The latest example of my thread safety failure is knowing that two threads modifying a dictionary at the same time is very bad, but then not considering that getting from a dictionary that is being modified is also not a terribly good idea. Thanks to Amir for the pointer.


    I’ve written a simple helper class that wraps a Dictionary called ThreadSafeStore. ThreadSafeStore treats its internal Dictionary as immutable. Each time a new value is added the wrapper will create a new Dictionary with the new value and reassigns the internal reference. There is no chance a thread could access the Dictionary while it is being modified. ThreadSafeStore is aimed towards read performance with no lock on read required.

    The downside to this approach is a new Dictionary is being created with every add. An improvement would be to introduce a second level Dictionary and buffer up new values before adding them to the main store, reducing total object’s allocated. For now I’ve left it simple. Suggestions welcome [:)]

    public class ThreadSafeStore<TKey, TValue>
      private Dictionary<TKey, TValue> _store;
      private readonly Func<TKey, TValue> _creator;
      public ThreadSafeStore(Func<TKey, TValue> creator)
        if (creator == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException("creator");
        _creator = creator;
      public TValue Get(TKey key)
        if (_store == null)
          return AddValue(key);
        TValue value;
        if (!_store.TryGetValue(key, out value))
          return AddValue(key);
        return value;
      private TValue AddValue(TKey key)
        lock (this)
          TValue value;
          if (_store == null)
            _store = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();
            value = _creator(key);
            _store[key] = value;
            // double check locking
            if (_store.TryGetValue(key, out value))
              return value;
            Dictionary<TKey, TValue> newStore = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>(_store);
            value = _creator(key);
            newStore[key] = value;
            _store = newStore;
          return value;
  • CodeCamp 2009 - .NET 4.0 Code Contracts

    That's why I love elementary school, Edna. The children believe anything you tell them. Over the weekend I presented a session on .NET 4.0 Code Contracts at Code Camp 2009.

    One of my favourite announcements at PDC2008, I volunteered too talk about Code Contracts to force myself into learning everything I could about them [:D]

    The slides for my presentation can be downloaded here.


    Thanks to the organisers and other speakers for all the great content. Stand out session goes to Ivan for not only covering everything new in C# 4.0 in 4 minutes but also showing us all some sweet dance moves.